What Causes Slab Leaks and Why Does it Matter?

The term “slab leak” probably doesn’t scare you. After all, it’s just a leak that can be fixed easily. All you need to do is cover the cracks on the pipelines, right? Wrong. But what exactly does a slab leak entail and why should you be concerned? Read on! There’s High Water Pressure One of the main reasons for slab leaks is because there’s high water pressure from the source. High water pressure leads to leaks in the slab as well as the showers, faucets and pipes. But water pressure isn’t the only reason for damage. Soil shifting can also cause damage to pipelines. Earthquakes, underwater streams, and soil erosion also lead to slab leaks. Slab leaks that are caused by high pressure often lead to flooding and can cause the structure of homes to collapse. Poor Construction and Copper Pipelines If you have an old house with an old pipeline, this could be one of the reasons for the slab leak. Overtime if pipelines aren’t inspected and proper measures aren’t ...