How Is COVID-19 Affecting Your Plumbing Pipes?

The coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll on the world. Millions across the globe are under strict order to stay home to prevent the spread of this virus. As a result, people have begun working remotely and many retail properties were shut down for many weeks. The policies put in place due to COVID-19 have also taken a toll on commercial as well as residential plumbing. Here’s what some experts in the industry have to say: Stagnant water in unused pipes is dangerous Most businesses did not have enough time to prepare for a lockdown. As a result, many commercial properties were shut down without a plan. Gyms, spas, and salons were some of the most affected businesses. The level of chemicals and organisms in the stagnant water in the pipes of such properties can reach dangerous levels. A research paper highlighted the risk of exposure to harmful water when they return back to work. These organisms can lead to Legionnaire’s disease , a severe form of pneumonia. Maintenan...