5 Telltale Signs of a Blocked Sewer Drain Line

Clogs along a sewer drain are a serious problem that requires immediate attention from a professional plumber since it can lead to a health and safety hazard. Without a clear route for it to drain through, the wastewater can find its way back into your home, spreading bacteria and an unpleasant odor. Before a full-blown sewer drain clog can arise, it shows certain signs. Here are some signs you need to look out for that indicate an oncoming main sewer drain clog: Gurgling of the sink A strange reaction to the main drain clog is air trapped in the plumbing system. Run water in a sink and if you hear a gurgling noise coming from the toilet, it’s an indication of a blocked sewer line. The water level in the toilet may also arise as a result. Multiple fixtures are clogged at once Since the entire home’s plumbing relies on the functioning of the sewer drain, a clog in this system throws clogs into multiple fixtures at once. If your home’s bathrooms and kitchen begin...