Useful Plumbing Tips for the Winter Season

While we all love the winter and snowfall, the icy winter weather can wreak havoc on your home’s plumbing system. We know that water tends to expand when it freezes; that’s how ice cubes are made! But imagine what’ll happen if that water turned into ice inside your plumbing system. That smells like a recipe for disaster! A pipe with frozen water in it can crack due to the pressure and dump out gallons of water right into your home. Fortunately, you can take some preventative measures to ensure that your plumbing system works effectively and efficiently. Here are a few tips to help you out. Prevent Frozen Pipes by Turning off the Water Valves Outside The water pipes in a plumbing system can burst if the temperature starts freezing. This can end up creating an expensive plumbing disaster for you to deal with. To prevent the pipes from freezing up and rupturing, make sure you turn off all water valves outside. Inspect any water valves that aren’t insulated as they ha...